My Dog Gets Aggressive when Tired ?

Dog gets aggressive when tired.

Dogs are similar to kids. Then, when playing with you and introducing themselves to others, they become agitated and dog gets aggressive when tired snarl at others to push them away. If your dog acts out when he or she is exhausted, it can be from lack of sleep or from being overexcited. It occasionally … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Bread?

Can Dog Eat White Bread

Humans consume a lot of bread each day, but Can Dogs Eat Bread? Find out everything you have to learn about whether bread is appropriate for dogs and which kinds to avoid in our guide. Bread is a staple in our diet, with most of us eating at least one type of bread daily. It … Read more

Why Does My Dog Keep Sniffing Me?

Dog Keep Sniffing

You’ll find the dogs constantly sniffing around, particularly you! and you always wonder why does my dog keep sniffing ? They’ll slap their noses at you after you return home after showering or even after eating. Why is my dog always in my midst? Please find out why your dog is looking at you and … Read more

How to Stop a Dog Howling When Left Alone ?

How to Stop a Dog Howling

Why your dog howling when left alone ? Dogs don’t have the best time when they’re at home. Imagine spending a whole day without a loved one you can play with and chat with. Our furry friends are stressed, bored, or scared. That is why they bark and weep when you’re away. You may think … Read more

Best Toys for 8-week-Old Puppy?

Best Toys for 8-week-Old Puppy

5 Must-Have Puppy Toys for Teething and Growing Puppies: Teething only lasts a short time and typically goes away when a puppy’s final adult tooth erupts, which happens to be around six months old. However, it might be difficult to find methods to ease your dog’s suffering while avoiding damage to your home in the … Read more

When Do Puppies Stop biting? 

Instruct your pups not to bite you

Puppy expert Pippa Mattinson offers some fantastic advice in her book, “When Do Puppies Stop Biting,” to help you get through the puppy-biting stage and leave the other side without crying. We’ll look at some factors that make puppy bites so much worse, how to stop the biting quickly, 5 simple tricks to train your puppy … Read more

My dog barks at strangers on walks ?

dog barks at strangers on walks

Both you and your devoted dog should get stress relief when out for a walk. It’s an excellent chance to get some exercise and introduce your dog to the great outdoors. Your walks might not always be flawless, however. You want to stop a dog from barking at people on walks. If so, you’re not the … Read more

What Brand of Yogurt is Good for Dogs? 5 Best Yogurts for Dogs in 2023 .

Control and digestion in balance

In addition to being healthy for people, Yogurt is also excellent for our furry best companions. So, if you ever find yourself eating yogurt and your dog starts giving you those adorable looks, you can feel comfortable giving them some. As long as your veterinarian gives you the all-clear, Yogurt is good for dogs giving … Read more

Useful Guide To Know The Difference Between American and English Labradors ?

American and english labrador

Here are some useful guide to see the difference between American and English Labradors. We’ve had the privilege of raising and training both English Labs and American Labs as guide dog puppy raisers, allowing us to personally observe the variations between these two breeds within a breed. Do American and English-type Labradors Differ? Although there … Read more

How Much Chicken and Rice to Feed Dog According to Their Weight ?

How much chicken and rice to feed dog

It would be best if you were careful about what proportion chicken and rice to feed dog. You might need to serve your dog less of a meal than you anticipate because it has more calories than the food you regularly feed him ,350 to 400 calories per cup are prepared during a typical chicken … Read more

My Dog Won’t Eat his Food but will Eat Human Food ?

dog won't eat his food but will eat human food

What happens when Dog won’t eat his food but will eat human food? Human food cannot satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs, but dry kibble has an adequate amount of all essential components for your dog. The toxic chemicals and high-fat content in human diets also raise the risk of poisoning and obesity. Many elemental human diets … Read more

My 15 year Old Dog stopped eating ?

Do you know that people over 65 have health issues because they aren’t following a balanced diet or aren’t getting enough nutrients? Senior dogs can also suffer from similar issues, and accepting that your 15-year-old dog stopped eating can be difficult. It’s normal for dogs of a certain age to be less enthused. There are … Read more

Dog poops in house after being outside ?

how to stop a puppy from pooping in the house

Having a dog has many incredible benefits, including the bonding and affection you receive when you’re best pals with the one you consider to be “man’s best friend.” However, regardless of how much you cherish your pet, it’s not a secret that certain aspects of the owners aren’t the most ideal, especially those that have … Read more

Can dogs eat potatoes skins?

Can Dogs Eat potatoes Skin

These are just a few of our traditional potato favorites: French fries, hash browns, mashed potatoes, and tater tots. But if you’re munching on some and your canine companion gives you one of those adorable puppy dog stares, you might wonder, “Can dogs eat potatoes skins?”.  You can feed dogs various human foods, although. One … Read more

Why Does my Dog Play with his Food?

my dog play with his food

Has your dog’s unappetizing response to his dinner left your concern? Are you confused about why he throws food around the minute he realizes it has been served to him? The exciting behaviour your dog play with his food may be exhibiting is natural. People are cooped up in one place with them, which can … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Salmon?

Why Is Smoked Salmon Bad For Dogs

Dogs should not consume smoked salmon because it could harm their health. The high amount of salt can result in salt poisoning, and smoked salmon may contain harmful bacteria that could cause serious health problems. Dogs eat smoked salmon raw salmon, or any other type of raw fish fillets is not recommended. Fresh salmon that … Read more

what does it mean when my dog’s breath smells like fish ?

Fishy smelling dog breath

As pet owners, we often witness animals acting somewhat peculiarly. Occasionally, we’ll wish we could capture it on camera; other times, it can leave us perplexed or even angry. Strange behavior, especially if accompanied by an odd odor, can signify that your pet is ill. So, if your dog’s breath smells like fish unexpectedly, it’s … Read more

Can dogs eat watermelon?

Can dogs eat watermelon and strawberries

Are our dogs permitted to eat the juicy, vibrant fruit as well? Watermelon is a deliciously refreshing treat for humans; it’s the ideal snack for chopping into wedges, chilling in the fridge, and enjoying warm summer days. Find out if dogs can eat watermelon and if it has any nutritional advantages by reading this guide. … Read more

Are Spayed Female Dogs Have Periods?

What are the warning signs for a dog that is in the heat

Spaying is also referred to as neutering. It’s an extremely common procedure that is performed on female dogs all over the world. Spaying is a method for stopping unwanted litter and offers numerous health advantages . However, spayed females are less likely to get cancer of the uterus, mammary, or even a urinary tract infection. … Read more

Will Spaying Calm a Female Dog ?

will spaying calm a male dog

Spaying or neutering may seem, well, inhumane if we’re thinking only in terms of humans. Will spaying calm a female dog? Are you ruthlessly robbing them of something? Does neutering calm a dog down? Is it self-serving or better for the dog? Dog lovers may hesitate because of misconceptions and fears, but there are compassionate and health-related … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Olives?

Do olives benefit dogs

You may be wondering can dog eat olives. Are they dangerous for dogs? Are they on the list of human-friendly foods that are now considered taboo for dogs, alongside chocolate and raisins?  And what’s the matter about olive oil? In this instance, there’s no way to answer this question straightforwardly. However, since we all want … Read more

Why Does my Dog Chatter his Teeth ?

dog chattering his teeth

Naturally, watching your pet’s teeth “clickety-clack” is a fun sight. The first reaction is likely to pull out a blanket and cover your pet in comfort, as our teeth chatter when cold. A low body temperature might be the reason for the dog’s teeth talking. There are a variety of reasons why it could occur. … Read more

What can I Feed my Dog Instead of Dog Food ?

What can I Feed my Dog

A question that comes to your mind is, what can I feed my dog instead of dog food? You become inventive with the food you have on hand while your mind struggles to devise a plan of action. Considerations for Meals:  Keep the following in mind before beginning to search through your refrigerator or pantry: Avoid greasy, … Read more