Can Dogs Eat Rosemary. 7 Benefits of Rosemary for Dogs and Side Effects

Rosemary is a fragrant and flavorful herb that has been a staple in culinary and medicinal practices for centuries. While it’s a beloved addition to many human dishes, you might wonder, “Can dogs eat rosemary?” This article will explore the safety and potential benefits of feeding Rosemary to your canine companion and any possible side effects you should be aware of.

What is Rosemary Used for?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a versatile herb known for its aromatic qualities and rich flavor profile. Humans have used Rosemary in various dishes to enhance the taste of their meals. Additionally, Rosemary has a history of use in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits, extending to our furry friends.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary?

Yes, dogs can eat Rosemary, but some significant considerations must be remembered. Rosemary can be beneficial for dogs when consumed in moderation and used appropriately. Let’s delve into the potential health benefits of Rosemary for dogs.

Health Benefits of Rosemary for Dogs

  1. Antioxidant Properties: Rosemary is rich in antioxidants, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce cell damage in your dog’s body. This is particularly beneficial as dogs age, as it can aid in maintaining their overall health.
  2. Antibacterial Properties: Rosemary contains antibacterial compounds that may help support your dog’s immune system by warding off harmful bacteria and infections.
  3. Possible Anti-Cancer Benefits: Some studies suggest that Rosemary may have anti-cancer properties. While more research is needed, the antioxidants and phytonutrients in Rosemary could potentially contribute to cancer prevention.
  4. Digestive Health: Rosemary can aid digestion, making it a valuable addition to your dog’s diet if they suffer from occasional digestive issues like gastritis or diarrhea.
  5. Liver Support: This herb has been known to support liver function and may help dogs with liver disorders or gallbladder issues.
  6. Relaxing Effects: The scent of Rosemary is believed to have calming effects, making it a soothing choice for dogs with anxiety or stress issues.
  7. Topical Use: Rosemary essential oil, when diluted appropriately, can be applied topically to alleviate itching and discomfort in dogs with itchy skin.

How to Feed Rosemary to Your Dog?

When incorporating Rosemary into your dog’s diet, it’s essential to do so in moderation. Here are some safe ways to feed Rosemary to your canine companion:

  • As an ingredient in homemade treats.
  • They are sprinkled on top of their regular dog food.
  • Fresh from your garden (ensure it’s pesticide-free).
  • Always use it in small quantities to avoid overfeeding.

It’s crucial to note that if your dog has a history of seizures or is pregnant, you should avoid giving them Rosemary to eat, as it could exacerbate seizure conditions.

Side Effects of Overfeeding

While Rosemary has several potential benefits for dogs, overfeeding can lead to adverse effects. Excessive consumption of Rosemary can result in vomiting and diarrhea due to its strong flavor and potential digestive irritation.

Serving Ideas

Start with small amounts to make the most of Rosemary’s benefits without overwhelming your pup’s taste buds or stomach. Consider incorporating it into homemade dog treats or lightly garnishing their meals for a flavorful touch.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary
Can Dogs Eat Rosemary


Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Extract?

While small amounts of rosemary extract are generally considered safe, it’s best to consult your veterinarian before adding it to your dog’s diet. Some commercial pet foods include rosemary extract as a natural preservative.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Crackers?

Rosemary crackers are not recommended for dogs. Commercially available crackers often contain added ingredients that can harm dogs, such as excessive salt or seasonings.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Plants?

Ingesting large quantities of rosemary plants can lead to digestive upset in dogs. It’s safer to offer Rosemary in controlled amounts rather than allowing them to munch on the plant itself.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Oil?

If under a veterinarian’s strict guidance, Rosemary essential oil should only be ingested by dogs. When used topically, it must be heavily diluted to prevent skin irritation.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Bread?

Rosemary bread is not ideal for dogs, primarily due to the other ingredients in the bread, such as yeast and excessive salt, which can be harmful to them.

Can My Dog Have Ground Turkey with Rosemary Extract?

In small amounts, ground turkey with a hint of rosemary extract can be a tasty and safe addition to your dog’s diet. However, avoid excessive seasoning and ensure that the turkey is thoroughly cooked.

Other Herbs That Are Safe for Dogs

Suppose you’re interested in incorporating herbs into your dog’s diet. In that case, several other options exist, including thyme, basil, and parsley. Always introduce new herbs gradually and monitor your dog for any adverse reactions.

What Does Rosemary Do to Dogs?

Rosemary can positively affect dogs, providing antioxidants, aiding digestion, and potentially offering relaxation benefits when inhaled. However, it should be used in moderation to prevent digestive upset.

Can Dogs Eat Thyme and Rosemary?

Thyme and Rosemary are both safe for dogs in small quantities. When used appropriately, these herbs can add flavor and potential health benefits to your dog’s diet.

Why Is Rosemary Extract Added to Dog Food?

Rosemary extract is added to dog food as a natural preservative. It helps extend the shelf life of the food without resorting to artificial additives.

Is Rosemary Safe for Dogs to Smell?

The scent of Rosemary is generally safe for dogs to smell, and it may even have a calming effect on them.

Can Dogs Eat Rosemary Powder?

Small amounts of rosemary powder can be added to your dog’s food to enhance flavor and provide potential health benefits, but moderation is key.

Is Rosemary and Mint Safe for Dogs?

Mint is safe for dogs in moderation, but it’s best to use it sparingly. When added to dog treats or meals, Rosemary and mint can be a flavorful and aromatic combination.

Is Rosemary Good for Dogs with Itchy Skin?

When used as a diluted essential oil, Rosemary may offer relief to dogs with itchy skin. However, you must consult your vet before using any essential oils on your pet.


In conclusion, dogs can eat Rosemary in moderation, and it may offer several potential health benefits, including antioxidant and digestive support. However, always exercise caution and consult your veterinarian before introducing new herbs or supplements into your dog’s diet, especially if your pet has underlying health conditions.