Puppy expert Pippa Mattinson offers some fantastic advice in her book, “When Do Puppies Stop Biting,” to help you get through the puppy-biting stage and leave the other side without crying.
We’ll look at some factors that make puppy bites so much worse, how to stop the biting quickly, 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting, and how to make it easier for pups and young children to get along.
Do puppies grow out of biting and nipping?
A little 8-week-old puppy’s bite is shockingly painful. Moreover, it is alarming. We don’t typically bite our buddies, after all! At 3 to 4 months old, puppies begin to teethe. Puppy teething causes them to bite and nip, but they also bite while playing. And they usually start biting when the puppy has gotten used to its new home, which is around 9 weeks old.
With a few rare exceptions, puppy biting will end when your dog is seven months old and has his entire adult set of teeth.
So let’s learn how to stop. When do puppies stop biting? And reclaim our enjoyment of them.
When do puppies stop biting?
Even if you don’t take any action and don’t engage in much physical play with your puppy, the biting will naturally subside at around four to five months of age. It frequently occurs in households with just one or two individuals who are accustomed to raising puppies and don’t overexcite them without much active “no-bite” teaching.
Things that aggravate biting:
These three factors make a puppy aggravate biting.
- Joy
- Optimism
- Inadequate bite inhibition
Next, let’s examine each of these:
Giving attention to pups as a reward:
Puppies rewarded for biting do so more frequently and for a more extended period. Although you may not realize it, you probably praise your dog for chewing. And you are probably giving the dog “attention” in return.
Puppies adore being noticed. Like other puppies, Labrador pups are highly gregarious and enjoy being the center of attention. You will reward your puppy for interacting with you or other family members, including physical contact, chatting, shouting, and even making eye contact.
Additionally, feeding him these things while he is biting will only encourage him to continue biting.
Inadequate bite inhibition:
Poor bite inhibition is what makes the bites hurt more. The definition of bite inhibition and ways to assist your puppy in developing it is therefore covered in the next section.
What Is Inhibition to Bite?
Labrador puppies can break bones with their jaws that are the thickness of your little finger at just eight or nine weeks old.
However, when your puppy attacks you, your fingers are not broken! Most likely, he doesn’t even crack the skin. It is a result of a mechanism known as “bite inhibition.”
Do puppies grow out of biting and nipping?

At 9 or 10 weeks, they were biting and nipping. However, those teeth are still razor-sharp. At this point, your puppy’s bite is not quite as strong as it will be in a week or two.
Don’t let your puppy’s diminutive size fool you into thinking it is safe. By 11 or 12 weeks, the bites will hurt much more due to your dog’s rapid growth. Now is the time to start acting. Do puppies grow out of biting and nipping? Right now!
How to train a puppy to stop biting and nipping:
After examining the causes of Labrador puppy biting and some of the aggravating factors, let’s now consider ways to improve the situation. You will do it in all stages.
In this blog, here are
5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting.
Keep an eye on:
It is the first easy technique of 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting.
Protecting any youngsters you may have or who visit and play with your dog is the first stage in this process.
You could have had a pleasant image of your adorable pet and kids playing together while you unwind with a When do puppies stop biting?
Bottle of wine or mow the yard in your head. You must, however, set this image away for the time being.
Children under five cannot safely play with a puppy less than four months old without getting bitten. Consequently, it would help if you kept an eye on all of their interactions.
Halt making matters worse:
It is the second easy technique out of 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting.
Recall how we discussed excitement and focus. Keeping your dog quiet at this point is your priority. Tell when the dog is getting too pumped up and “break up” the game.
Stop rewarding your pet for biting as your second task. Remember that a Labrador puppy’s preferred reward is your attention.
Make sure the puppy never receives any reward for biting. Particularly with no attention, the following step outlines how to accomplish that How to train a puppy to stop biting and nipping.
Instruct your pups not to bite you:
It is the third easy technique out of 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting. It takes some time for the puppy to learn to press the dog’s mouth against your flesh softly.
Bite inhibition is introduced gradually. The dog progressively learns to lessen the force of his bites. And is eventually instructed to never again “mouth” human skin.
The majority of experts agree that it is time well spent. We’ll start by training the puppy to refrain from biting us.
Educate your puppy to avoid biting:
How to train a puppy to stop biting and nipping & How to prevent your dog from biting:
It is the fourth easy technique out of 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting.
Remove yourself from the situation as soon as your puppy bites and injures you.
Step over the gate if your puppy bites you while playing with him to divert all attention away from him effectively. His playing partner has all of a sudden vanished.
Squealing, what about it?
You may have heard that a dog will stop biting if you squeal or yell. And because it works with some puppies, you can try it. The yelping excites some puppies even more while having little impact on others.
The lack of your presence and attention is the strongest signal you can send to your puppy.
What about retribution?
Some people hit or yell at puppies to deter them from biting. There are several issues with this.
First, it usually simply prevents the puppy from biting the person who yelled. Therefore, it may not always stop your pet from biting your kids.
Second, punishment creates an association between an unpleasant experience and you, which can subsequently cause issues when teaching concepts like “recall.”
Furthermore, it wouldn’t be an excellent start to your friendship for your puppy to be afraid of you.
The most significant finding is that physical or verbal punishment has been linked to aggression in dogs later in life, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do!
Because of this, contemporary behaviorists and veterinary specialists unanimously advise against using force while teaching puppies.
How to Make Your Dog Stop Biting Your Hands:

Picking up some puppies causes them to bite. Others will bite if they are handled or stroked.
- Dogs don’t fully understand human activities like stroking, rubbing our fingers in their fur, and wiggling our fingers at puppies. Additionally, many pups enjoy chasing and playing with people’s fingers and toes.
- Since hands are a prime target for puppy bites, teach your kids to play with your puppy instead of using their bare hands by giving him toys that he may tug and bite on.
- Use a long, sturdy rope tug toy to play with your puppy instead of using your hand as a toy or rubbing his stomach.
How to train a puppy to stop biting and nipping you:
It is the stage where you can teach your puppy. The puppy cooperates with handling without encircling our fingers in the dog’s mouth. A clicker and some dog treats are the ideal tools for this. However, you can omit the click and use a phrase like “yes.”
The training activity proceeds as follows:
You approach the dog a little bit with your hand.
- Say “YES.” If the dog doesn’t move the mouth. Touch your hand and lay a reward before the dog on the ground.
- Bring your hand a little bit nearer to the puppy at this point.
- You get where I’m heading here. Please don’t put your hand in the puppy’s face immediately; instead, give the dog a chance to prevail. Build up gradually till you can pick up his paws and touch him anywhere on his body or head. And he never grabbed you or spat on you.
For Labradors to play safely:
It is one of the last tricks of 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting.
When puppies get older, biting may resume. Puppies between the ages of six and nine months are excitable and may begin to nip at playtime with their teeth. Your puppy is more than halfway grown at this point, and if rough play is permitted, the dog size and weight present a severe issue.
Exuberant puppies must not be permitted to play wild games with young children. It is no accident that many young puppies are abandoned or given up to rescue at this age since the repercussions can be extremely painful.
In conclusion, when do puppies stop biting?

Biting is an unpleasant and occasionally painful period of a puppy’s growth, but no matter how ferociously your dog barks or bites, it’s simply a natural, playful activity for a puppy. And by the time they are two years old, most puppies have outgrown it and have considerably reduced their biting.
If this is your first puppy, enrolling in a good puppy preschool class that employs contemporary, force-free training techniques will help you get through this stage and is a terrific way to prevent additional puppy behavior issues.
To help your puppy get through this stage as fast and comfortably as possible, follow the 5 simple tricks to train your puppy to stop biting listed above.