When your beloved dog is diagnosed with kidney failure in dogs, it can be a difficult process for the entire family. But it’s important to remember that there are ways to make your pup’s last days as comfortable and happy as possible.
The first step is understanding what to expect when it comes to a dog’s final days and weeks of life. Kidney failure in dogs will experience a gradual decline in their activity and overall health, as well as an increase in the amount of time they spend sleeping. As the body begins to shut down, you may notice a decrease in movement and energy levels and an increased need for rest.
You can also expect changes in your dog’s eating habits and weight. While some dogs may continue to eat normally, others may start to lose their appetite or refuse to eat altogether. It’s important to keep your pup hydrated with small amounts of water throughout the day and to provide them with any medication they are prescribed.
You’ll also want to make sure that you’re providing your dog with the best quality of life during their last days. This means providing them with a comfortable environment and ensuring that they’re getting plenty of love, attention, and affection from you.
As your pup begins to decline, it’s important to remember that every dog is different and these signs may vary depending on the individual animal. It can be helpful to talk to your vet about what signs to look for so you can recognize when the time is coming near.
The Initial Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs .

- – Increase in drinking water and urination
- – Decrease in appetite
- – Vomiting or diarrhea
- – Weight loss
- – Lack of energy or mobility
- – Bad breath or smelly urine
Once the body begins to shut down, you may also notice further changes. Your pup’s breathing will become more shallow, they may start to experience seizures, and their heart rate and blood pressure may drop significantly. It’s important to provide your pup with comfort during this time so they can pass peacefully.
At the end of kidney failure, your vet may recommend euthanasia as a humane way to put your pet out of their suffering. While this is never an easy decision for any pet parent, it is sometimes the best choice for your dog’s well-being.
What Is Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs?
Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a common health issue in dogs and occurs when the kidneys are unable to filter waste and toxins as they should. An overload of toxins can be hazardous, especially to your heart and liver. Prolonged exposure can lead to irreparable damage to these essential organs.
The most common symptoms of chronic renal failure include increased drinking water, increased urination, vomiting or diarrhea, weight loss, lack of energy or mobility, bad breath, and smelly urine. If you suspect your pup may be suffering from CRF it’s important to take them to the vet for testing right away so that proper treatment can begin.
Causes of Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs
Chronic renal failure can be caused by a wide range of factors, including genetics, age, infections, certain medications or toxins in the environment. It’s important to talk to your vet about any underlying causes so that they can determine the best course of action for your pup.
Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs
Treatment for chronic renal failure will depend on the severity of the condition and what underlying causes are present. Our primary objective is to alleviate symptoms and impede the progression of the illness. This may include medication as well as changes in diet and lifestyle.
In some cases, kidney transplants may be an option but this is generally only recommended if there are no other treatments available.
How Veterinarians Diagnose Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs .

Veterinarians will diagnose CRF through a combination of physical exams, blood and urine tests, x-rays, and ultrasounds. These tests will help them determine the underlying causes of the condition as well as measure kidney function.
Once a diagnosis has been made, your vet will be able to discuss treatment options with you and provide guidance on how to best care for your pup during their last days.
Caring for Dogs With Kidney Failure in Their Last Days .
If you know that your pup is in its last days due to kidney failure in dogs, it’s important to provide them with comfort and love during this time. This means ensuring that they have a comfortable environment where they can rest, providing them access to fresh water at all times, and giving them plenty of love and attention. It’s also important to keep their diet consistent so as not to shock their system too much.
It’s also helpful to talk to your vet about what signs you should look for during the last days so that you can be prepared for the inevitable. This way, when the time comes, you can be sure that you have done everything possible to make your pup’s last days as comfortable and peaceful as possible.
Recovery and Prevention of Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs
Unfortunately, chronic renal failure is not curable and usually leads to euthanasia. However, if caught early enough, it’s possible to slow the progression of the disease or even stop it in its tracks with proper treatment.
It’s important to talk to your vet about ways that you can prevent chronic renal failure in the future such as ensuring your pup get regular health check-ups and avoiding toxins or medications that could cause kidney damage.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your pup stays healthy for as long as possible and has a happy life free from chronic renal failure.
When do most cases of chronic kidney disease occur?

Most cases of chronic kidney disease happen in middle-aged and older dogs, usually between the age of 7 and 12. However, it can occur at any age, so it’s important to keep an eye out for symptoms no matter what age your pup is.
Conclusion .
kidney failure in dogs faces a difficult journey, but with proper care and attention from their owners, they can enjoy their last days feeling comfortable and loved. If you suspect your pet may be suffering from renal failure, make sure to take them to the vet right away for testing and treatment. By identifying your condition at its earliest stage, you can potentially decrease the severity or even stop it from getting worse.
How to comfort a dog with kidney failure
Providing your beloved pup with love and support is of the utmost importance when they are struggling with kidney failure in dogs. Make sure they have a comfortable place to rest, plenty of fresh water, and soft blankets or pillows for extra warmth. Give them lots of love and attention and keep their diet consistent so as not to shock their system too much. Additionally, you can talk to your vet about palliative care options such as pain relievers or other treatments that may make your pup more comfortable in their last days.
My dog has kidney failure why is he shaking?
It’s common for dogs with kidney failure to experience a wide range of symptoms. Shaking or trembling could be due to pain, stress, anxiety, or the toxins that have built up in the body due to renal failure. If you see this symptom, it’s critical to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible for additional tests and care.
Can diet help chronic renal failure?
Yes, maintaining a consistent diet is essential when managing chronic renal failure in dogs. Make sure to talk to your vet about what type of food is best suited for your pup’s condition as well as how much they should be eating each day. Additionally, avoid giving them any treats or human foods that may contain toxins that can harm their kidneys even further.
How Long Can A Dog Survive With Kidney Disease?
Since each pup is unique, it’s almost impossible to estimate precisely how long a canine can live with kidney disease. It depends on the severity of the condition and also how well they respond to treatments such as medications or dietary changes. Depending on the severity of the condition, a dog may be able to live for many years with this illness; however, in some cases, it can have a much shorter lifespan.
The most important thing you can do is to stay vigilant and consult your vet regularly so that any changes in your condition can be monitored and addressed early on. This way, you have a better chance of providing your pup with a longer life expectancy despite their diagnosis.
Can dogs recover from chronic renal failure?
Regrettably, chronic renal failure is a progressive condition without a cure. However, if diagnosed early and managed correctly, it can be slowed down or even stopped in some cases. Talk to your vet about prevention methods such as regular health checks and avoiding toxins that could potentially cause damage to the kidneys. With proper care, your pup can enjoy a comfortable life for as long as possible.
How long can a dog live with kidney failure without treatment?

Without intervention, canines suffering from renal failure typically have a limited life expectancy of just Three to Four months. However, with proper veterinary care and attention, they can live much longer while still feeling comfortable and loved. Early detection is key when it comes to managing this condition, so make sure to take your pup for regular check-ups with their doctor. This will help you catch any signs of renal failure before it progresses too far.
Is end-stage kidney failure in dogs painful?
End-stage kidney failure can be very painful for dogs, as the toxins that have built up in their body cause severe discomfort. Additionally, they may experience loss of appetite, nausea, lethargy, and other symptoms as well. It’s important to talk to your vet about palliative care options such as pain relievers or other treatments that can help make your pup more comfortable in their last days.
What are the signs of a dog’s organs shutting down?
When a dog’s organs are shutting down, it may experience many different symptoms such as increased fatigue, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, confusion or disorientation, and seizures. If you notice any of these signs in your pup, it’s important to seek medical attention right away so that further tests can be done and the appropriate treatment can be provided.
Kidney disease quick tips:
1. Monitor your pup’s diet and nutrition to ensure they are getting the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals to support their kidney health.
2. Ensure your pup is drinking enough water each day as dehydration can make symptoms worse.
3. Bring your pup to the vet for regular check-ups so any changes in their condition can be addressed quickly.
4. Talk to your vet about palliative treatments such as pain relievers or other therapies that can help make your pet more comfortable in their last days.
5. Keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort or distress in your pup and consult a veterinarian if necessary.
Here we have some quick questions and answers
1. Is Kidney Failure in Dogs Painful?
Yes, kidney failure can be harrowing for dogs. As the kidneys fail, toxins build up in the blood, which makes a dog feel unwell. There may be aches and pains, nausea, loss of appetite, lethargy, and other distressing symptoms. So, owners should provide pain management when a dog has chronic kidney disease and make them as comfortable as possible.
2. Reasons for Kidney Failure in Dogs
Some common reasons for kidney failure in dogs include:
– Age – Older dogs are more prone to kidney issues. The kidneys wear out over time.
– Genetics – Some breeds, like Cocker Spaniels, are genetically predisposed.
– Toxins – Antifreeze, chemicals, and tainted foods can damage kidneys.
– Infections – Bacterial or viral kidney infections can cause failure.
– Cancer – Lymphoma, tumors, or masses can impair kidney function.
– Dental disease – Bacteria from teeth can spread to kidneys.
So, in a nutshell, kidney failure can stem from age, genetics, toxins, infections, cancer, or other underlying illnesses.
3. How Can Kidney Problems Be Prevented?
Some tips to help prevent kidney disease are:
– Annual checkups to catch problems early
– Vaccines to prevent infections
– High-quality diet with limited protein
– Prevent toxins/poisons – keep antifreeze away
– Ensure access to fresh water
– Treat dental disease – clean teeth regularly
– Avoid medications toxic to kidneys
So prevention involves proactive steps like exams, vaccines, proper nutrition, and avoiding toxins/infections. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
4. Treatment
If a dog is diagnosed with kidney failure, treatment options may include:
– IV fluids – to flush out toxins and rehydrate
– Medications – to control vomiting, ACE inhibitors, etc
– Diet change – reduced protein, increased Omega-3s
– Phosphorus binders – to limit chemical buildup
– Potassium supplements – to maintain electrolyte balance
– Dialysis – to filter blood in end-stage kidney disease
So, working closely with a vet is critical to determine the proper treatment protocol. A combination of fluids, meds, diet, and supplements can help dogs better cope with this condition.
5. What Happens if Kidney Problems Go Untreated?
If kidney problems go untreated in dogs, it can lead to a downward spiral:
– Toxins build up, causing nausea and appetite loss
– Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances occur
– Dogs become lethargic and depressed
– Fluid may build up in the lungs, making breathing difficult
– Anemia develops from lack of red blood cell production
– Risk of heart disease and stroke increases
– Ultimately, untreated kidney failure is fatal
That’s why early detection and treatment is vital. It’s better to be safe than sorry when dealing with canine kidney disease.
6. Keep Your Dog Comfortable
To keep a dog with kidney disease comfortable:
– Give prescribed pain medication – don’t let them suffer
– Ensure they have soft bedding and warmth
– Help them change positions or stand if needed
– Give fluids under the skin to prevent dehydration
– Offer bland, low-protein foods they can tolerate
– Use anti-nausea medications if vomiting is an issue
The goal is to minimize discomfort and nurture the dog through this challenging condition. Small comforts can mean the world to a sick pet.
7. Life Expectancy for Dogs with Kidney Failure – The Prognosis
The prognosis for a dog with kidney failure can vary depending on the underlying cause and how early it is caught. But generally:
– If caught early, dogs may live 1-3 years with proper management
– If diagnosed late, life expectancy is only a few weeks to months
– Dogs in end-stage kidney failure may only live a few days without aggressive treatment
– Small dogs tend to live longer than larger breeds with this condition
So, early detection and treatment are crucial. Work closely with your vet for an honest prognosis and make the most of the time you have left.
8. Last Days of a Dog with Kidney Failure – Common Signs
In the last days of a dog’s life with kidney failure, common signs include:
– Extreme lethargy, unwilling to move
– Loss of appetite, refusing food and water
– Vomiting and diarrhea
– Labored, heavy breathing
– Body temperature fluctuations
– Disorientation, confusion
– Collapsing episodes
– Uncontrollable urination or incontinence
These signs indicate the kidneys are no longer functioning and toxins are building to critical levels. Make sure your dog is not suffering, and prepare to say goodbye.
9. When is the Right Time to Euthanise?
It’s a tough decision when to euthanize a dog with kidney failure. Consider euthanasia when:
– The dog has stopped eating or drinking for over 48 hours
– They can no longer stand or move on their own
– There is unrelenting vomiting, diarrhea or incontinence
– They are in obvious pain that cannot be controlled with medication
– The vet says kidney function has declined beyond hope, or quality of life is gone
– Your loyal companion no longer seems like themselves
The goal is to balance end-of-life care with compassion. Do what is truly best for your pet.
– When ready, consider volunteering at a shelter in your dog’s honor
– In time, remember the joy your dog brought to your life
Though it hurts, take it one day at a time. The pain will lessen as loving memories carry you forward.
10. Signs of end-stage kidney failure in dogs include:
– Severe vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea
– Loss of appetite and weight loss
– Extreme lethargy and tiredness
– Sudden collapse or inability to stand up
– Labored, heavy breathing
– Kidney pain or abdominal discomfort
– Mouth ulcers and oral health decline
– Anemia from lack of red blood cells
– Fluid buildup in lungs or limbs
– Metabolic acidosis from kidney dysfunction
– Irregular heart rate and blood pressure
– Disorientation and mental dullness
These symptoms indicate the kidneys are failing and toxins are building up systemically. Sadly, dogs with end-stage kidney failure have a grave prognosis without aggressive treatment.
11. You should consider putting your dog down with kidney failure when:
– They have stopped eating or drinking water for over 48 hours
– They can no longer stand up, walk, or have lost coordination
– They are in constant pain that cannot be controlled by medication
– They have unrelenting vomiting, diarrhea or incontinence
– Their breathing is severely labored from fluid accumulation
– Your vet advises that kidney function has declined beyond hope
– Your dog no longer seems happy or interested in life
– Their overall suffering outweighs any joy or quality of life
It is a heartbreaking decision. Focus on prioritizing your dog’s comfort. When life’s pleasures are gone, it may be time to say a gentle goodbye.
12. To make a dog comfortable with kidney failure:
– Administer prescribed pain medication regularly
– Offer soft bedding and keep them warm
– Help change positions or stand if they are struggling
– Give subcutaneous fluids daily to prevent dehydration
– Feed small, frequent, low-protein meals they can tolerate
– Use antiemetic medication if nausea and vomiting are problems
– Monitor for secondary issues like ulcers or infections
– Carry them outdoors for bathroom needs if needed
– Provide lots of comforting, gentle pets and massages
– Speak softly and reassure them when they seem distressed
The goal is to minimize suffering while maximizing dignity and comfort during this difficult time. Be your dog’s ally through the challenges kidney disease brings.
13. Dogs with kidney disease often throw up due to:
– Nausea and loss of appetite from toxins building up
– Uremic gastritis causing stomach inflammation
– Gastrointestinal ulcers aggravated by toxins
– Medication side effects like vomiting
– Metabolic acidosis disrupting the digestive system
– Dehydration making dogs prone to regurgitation
– Electrolyte imbalances like high calcium or potassium
– Peritonitis from the kidneys leaking infected fluid
– Protein or dietary intolerances
14. In the last days of a dog’s life with stage 4 kidney failure, some common signs are:
– Extreme lethargy and unwillingness to move
– Loss of interest in food, water, or surroundings
– Vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal distress
– Labored, heavy panting and breathing issues
– Disorientation, confusion, and irregular behavior
– Collapsing episodes and inability to stand
– Uncontrollable urination or incontinence
– Oral ulcers and foul-smelling breath
– Muscle twitching or seizures
– Fluid retention causing swelling
– Irregular heart rate and arrhythmias
Kidney failure in dogs requires specific care and attention in order to maintain their quality of life for as long as possible. Knowing the signs and symptoms of this condition can help you detect it early, as well as provide your pup with the best care and support during their last days.
In some cases, dogs may be able to live for several weeks or even months with kidney failure in dogs without treatment. However, this can be very uncomfortable for them and it is not recommended as the condition will likely progress over time. Therefore, it’s important to seek medical attention from your vet if you suspect that your pup may have renal failure so that they can begin treatment as soon as possible to slow down the progression of the condition.
There are also lifestyle changes you can make such as providing a comfortable environment and avoiding toxins that could potentially cause further damage. By following these tips and working closely with your vet, you can help give your pup the best chance at a happy and healthy life despite their diagnosis.